Allen's Stewards

Pictured (L-R): Bro. Thedrick Franklin, Sis. Sherrie Strain, Bro. Luther Perry, Sis. Vanessa Johnson, Min. Lemarcus Campbell

Not Pictured: Sis. Earnestine Moffett (Pro Tem), Sis. Beverly Williams Ayoma, Sis. Dollye Thomas, Sis. Carol Cooper, also Stewards emeritus - Sis. Yvonne Morris, Bro. Homer Jackson, Sr. and Bro. Mitchell Rivers

Duties and Responsibilities

There are three ‘Tables’ where the Stewards have responsibility

1. There is the Table of the Poor   Who has need in the church? How can the rest of the congregation know and help? The deacons are in touch with the congregation at all levels. They can see what practical and financial help they are able to provide.

2. There is the Table of the Pastor as well as other ministerial staff employed part time or full time by the church). No preacher should live luxuriously, but preachers should be freed from financial concerns so that they can give themselves to the Bible and to praying, while there is yet food on the table for the minister’s family. This should include other means for making sure the pastor is comfortable and satisfied with their current relationship with the church and its members.

3. There is the Table of the Lord   The Stewards serve the people by taking to them the bread and the wine. This included making sure all elements are in plentiful supply, sometime working with the Stewardess in preparations of the elements. Make sure all other materials are in adequate supply, i.e. offering envelopes, visitor cards, and any other printer matter needed for worship service. 


Qualifications of Stewards

  1. A steward must be a person of solid piety who knows and loves the Word of God and Doctrine.
  2. A steward must be fruitful and of good natural or acquired ability to transact the spiritual and temporal business of the church.
  3. A steward must have been an active member of the AME Church for at least two years.


Selection Criteria

The Pastor presides over and appoints the Board of Steward members annually. The Presiding Elder at the First Quarterly Conference confirms the Board. This group is responsible for the overall needs of the Local Church: finances, Pastor and the general welfare of its members



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